2 de outubro de 2005

Don´t care

You've heard me say that attractive women are
approached ALL THE TIME by men. In one way or
another, an attractive woman is CONSTANTLY
approached and pursued by men.

Women can't afford to spend even a FRACTION of
their time with every guy who shows interest, so
they use "time management" techniques.

How 21st century of them.

One of these "time management techniques" is
their defense mechanism.

If a girl decides that she isn't interested in
being with a particular guy... and it doesn't
matter if it's within the first five seconds or
the first five months... the mechanism kicks in.

It creates an invisible wall that protects her.
You can feel it. She can feel it. And even though
neither of you can see it, you both know that it's
more powerful than a real wall... because most men
don't know how to get PAST it.

I know that you've thought about this issue at
some point. If you're like me, you've thought
about it a LOT. Maybe even obsessively. Maybe you
have even schemed and tortured yourself trying to
figure out the magic way to get past a woman's


I'm about to give you a VERY important insight
into how women interact with men.

Pay close attention to this. It's taken me a
LONG time to figure this out...

Women are VERY perceptive.

They know what a guy is thinking by looking at
his body language, and listening to his voice

Some experts estimate that women are as much as
TEN TIMES better than men at reading body

To most women, men are an OPEN BOOK.

Guys have no idea just how obvious they are...

And there's one particular thing that triggers
a woman's defense mechanism faster than a chubby
kid eats cake...


In every situation with a woman, you can say
WHATEVER you want to say in a way that either:

1) Seeks her approval

2) Doesn't seek her approval

Think about it.

You're either SEEKING APPROVAL... or you're

And most guys ARE when they're talking to a
woman that they're interested in.


That simple demonstration of showing her a full
hour of non-approval-seeking behavior and
communication will separate you from 99% of all
the guys that have approached her in her life.

And the best part about this particular
technique is that it's NOT MANIPULATION. In fact,
seeking approval is far more manipulative than
what I'm saying here.

In fact, one of the reasons why women don't
like a guy who seek approval, is because they
INSTANTLY sense that the guy is using a

So stop seeking women's approval when you meet

Stop it!

Learn how to say things in a way that clearly
communicates that you don't need her to like you
or approve of you.


Ok, eu sei que o post é grande mas o mail era muito maior.

E embora eu já tivesse aprendido isto, agora sinto que, de certa forma, sempre fui assim. Not seeking approval. Sabendo que tive de lidar por três vezes com o confronto duma nova realidade, sempre fiz o mesmo. Ou gostam ou não gostam, se eu não gosto ignoro. Acabou.
Obviamente agora tou a falar do geral. Que isto das mulheres muda a figura toda.

Mas mesmo assim, inconscientemente, sempre fui assim. Claro que agora ainda mais. Eu não procuro a aprovação de ninguem, pura e simplesmente dou-me a conhecer e dou a oportunidade de se darem a conhecer. Se não querem, azar. I simply don't care. Talvez seja por isso que nunca tive problema de fazer amigos.

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